I have loved this show since it began with Art Fleming and I loved Alex, I liked the choice of Mike Richards but I understand why he had to step away and I love Mayim.
But I think they’re letting Matt Amodio cut corners with his questions.
I don’t mind his answering everything what is…?
But I do mind that they allow him to give only the last name of people without asking him to provide a complete name.
He hardly ever gives a full name —- he says what is [last name]?
Tonight the answer in the baseball category gave the initials CY.
His answer “what Is Young?” He should be required to say what is Cy Young?
This is a game of momentum and he shortens every thing to keep the fast pace that favors him. He doesn’t call out the full category name, he doesn’t call out the full $ amount of the answer he’s chosen and he doesn’t call out more than the last name in any questions requiring a person’s name.
Matt’s scary smart for sure, but I think he’s cutting corners and shouldn’t be able to do that.