Many times I end up looking at my phone during the show, because it just doesn't hold my interest. I'm stubborn in an almost masochistic way about watching shows that I don't initially like. I believe in giving things a chance to prove their worth. I still believe that being surprised by things with second chances gives one a great sense of empathy. This show is painfully slow and lacks anything that latches on as eventful. Making a character gay isn't shocking or entertaining in this sense.
Having a choreographed salsa scene made me literally ask, "What the hell is this?" Many times, it doesn't seem to have direction. Each episode ends on a, "meh" moment. Leaving me with the bigger question, what gets me excited to watch the next one? Honestly, for me, the only thing keeping me going is the hope in a surprise that something, anything, will come out as the "Wow" moment.