Most of the movie was really good, great acting, gripping story, really had me invested in the characters. The first 80% was all of these things. Then at the end, they threw in at least 5 different plot twists (easy enough to follow ones, I'm not sitting here like a dumb idiot who watched inception and just doesn't get it) that were really unnecessary. They could have kept like 2 of them and kept it a great story. After the 3rd one, it really seems like the writers went home with the goal to write a different ending, came back, and instead of picking the best ending they meshed them all into one. The only thing that was missing was someone in the corner of a room playing a dramatic "bum bum BUUUUUUM" on a cheap Casio keyboard set to "pipe organ" every time they reveal a new plot twist.... It's either a brilliant ending, or a terrible one, but it'll make a sane person wonder which it is for days