Possibly the best rendition of the vampire yet. Production, acting and writing all superb. The only reason I would not rate it 5 stars is due to the morbidity of the subject matter. And I get it...it's Dracula! How else could the story be told?? But the heaviness is hard to consume, especially the first two episodes. The taking of not just life but everything a person is or will be is driven home in heart breaking fashion. After three hours of that I didn't feel "good". I was no longer being entertained. I was being depressed. Having your own mortality and what it means acted out so viciously over and over again takes a toll. It sucks the life out of you. This is a fascinating piece of work if not art. And all great art comes with a price. And this Dracula is no exception. But be warned, this is not teenage slasher horror fun. This is deeper, darker and nastier.