THIS IS NOT LA or California, but TEXAS! We are a huge state with huge stories and differences from the story lines you can run for the parent show. I happen to enjoy 911 and 911 Lone Star, but in watching the second season, imagine my surprise to see lava from an erupting volcano in Austin. Are you kidding me?
Then, add insult to injury, did anyone notice how many palm trees that line the Austin streets. No thank you, we have lovely live oaks and pecan and many other type of real trees. Palm trees are possible, but not native to that area. So obviously, you were not filming it in the Austin area. THEN, you show wildfires in mountainous areas. That's really not the topography of Texas. Yes, there are some places you will see mountains, but not really those types in the third show and no crazy wild fires like you California folks see.
How about you tell Texas sized stories and not recycle your California woes over the face of our state?