Discernment is what was lacking in my life. Went to a church that is exactly how les described them. Throwing old testament into a blender with the new. ANd trying to swallow it confused them, and made them spiritually sick. KInd of like Jesus said to the laodecian church. Since you are neither hot or cold, but luke warm, I vomit you out of my mouth. Well same thing could be said about going to a church that is neither old or new testament. I have vomited the in the middle of grace and law church I went too. Straight Grace in my life. No church replacing Israel garbage. ANd thru this show it was either taught to me or reiterated waht I learned the hard way on my own. GOd/Jesus bless the churches with anointed leaders and congregations. No 90 grace 10 percent law teachers. Just straitght grace. AMen!!