Disclaimer: I'm an LGBTQ+ woman, so don't even start with -phobic nonsense. This game is the most laughably cringeworthy AAA title I've ever played. To be pandered to with such a bad/lazy narrative and insufferable characters feels slimy...
1 star of my 2 star score is for the poor staff that were mistreated and exploited, yet still managed to pull off amazing visuals and level design. The remaining star is for the respect I still have for "old" Naughty Dog. I hope someone can make good titles at the studio again, somewhere down the line. "The New Dogs" and "Dr. Uckmann" print should be discontinued. 100 Brains is a massive exaggeration by the way. It isn't genius or revolutionary to make media that pisses people off, as much as you'd like to tell yourself that. I'm not even mad. Just disappointed and embarrassed I ever thought this would be good.