Just watched it now, the idea behind the movie is really really cool.
[Spoilers: After a stormy night, the mysterious mist start to take over the land which appears to come from a military base. It turns out the mist is not ordinary. The dimensional breach at the base results in the misty world from another dimension to enter this world bringing along with it some unexpected company.
You either outrun the mist or stay & castle properly... Sounds like a really cool game to me! It's even better than zombie apocalypse, kinda like GOT]
Anyway, apart from the good idea, animation is not bad. Everything else sucks. Acting, script, characters,story everything is so *dumb. Literally *dumb^1000. Just unnecessary & loud screaming, unable to pick up normal cues like when to turn off the lights, when to shut up (literally made me say shut-t-f-up every single goddamn time,... Everything till the generator scene was good. After that, all the irrational arguments, stubbornness, dumbness were so irritating.
The choices made were not that odd, but the acting made them look really nonsense. Better acting, score could've resulted in much better feel of the intensity of the movie (which they're in); & maybe even made it 1 of the top movies. Zs are getting old.
I really hope someone remake a better version. Otherwise what a waste of such a good idea!