Honestly having played the first last of us game, it was such a fun and enticing game, with an amazing storyline. It was both fun and harrowing experience playing.
But with this sequel, the only redeeming factor is the soundtrack and graphics. And that is all I can be amazed of, the gameplay hasn't changed much with a few tweaks and kinks being fixed from the first game, the characters aren't invested enough for me to be attached to and especially how the game just brush of the history of the first game for a cliche revenge story. Naughty dog definitely screwed up with this game, they could have delivered an amazing game even with just using Ellie as the only main character but no, they have to screw it up by bringing in a new character(Abby) which we the fans of the first game have no emotional value towards, so many flaws here and there, oh and I couldn't care less about using female characters, but at least make them likeable for us the players. The ending could also have been more impactful for us if it justified the death of Joel, it's hard seeing him die a dog's death with no reason.