I loved this show and characters in the whole 3 seasons it was aired. It was really magical and was so open minded in a variety of things that was so different and just what was needed in the world of TV series. The characters are really something else and all developed in inspirational ways in the finale season but unfortunately that's where it ended, just when it was reaching its peak of interest, no one helped saved the show. And it was a big disappointment for me to not see the next part of their wonderful story. The story really was great while it lasted the best even. It really found a way to sit in my heart because it was a show that held no judgement in showing comfort, brotherhood, differences, sexuality and was always filled with acts of unconditional love, not selfishness. It's a great show to learn understanding and acceptance where their world is a lot like our own just with less magic and demons. I really recommend it to everyone and i hope we can vouch for another season.