This movie is the kinda film where you either hate it, or love it. It's really hard for a director to try and take a franchise, lifting the weight of the story on their shoulders, and put it forward to produce something totally new. Watching the first TMNT (2014) and then, this one, it brought a new age to the band of shell-raising mutants. Yes, Michael Bay did change elements of backstories, such as Casey Jones. But, to think that someone wanted to take the time to create a new story for nostalgic Turtles fans, is mind-blowing. It was better to take a new direction like this, rather than stick to the same cliche of events each movie. Over time, if you don't change the story at least by a smidge, it gets boring- people don't bother to watch it. Me for one, could sit through both of these movies and love it. Like I said, you can either love this movie and accept the story for what it is, or hate it.