A must-watch Shonen anime. It’s completely unique while at the same time being an amalgamation of every Shonen anime out there. It gets you hooked in at the beginning episodes with the many different characters, all being the typical commonly-used tropes, albeit in a rather relatable tone. The first season serves its purpose as a beginning stage for the anime and doesn’t rush into the story too much. It pans it out with a nice pacing and the filler episodes “Juju Strolls” are pretty entertaining as well. I’ll put my review in different stages here.
Animation- MAPPA has done it again with the amazing art style, superior visual effects and breath-taking background designs. The modern aspect of the anime plays out well with the animation style. 10/10
Characters- It’s the same clueless headstrong main character, the edgy friend, the badass girl and the strongest guy out there. Sound familiar? Well I’m not implying it’s a copy, I’m rather saying it’s an inspiration. Akutami did the best possible thing- he took inspiration and played them out in his own style for which I love them all. All the characters will seem familiar to you in this series, although unique as well. Greatly done. 9.5/10
Story- Special abilities exclusive high school fighting against a gang of enemies controlled by a mastermind- someone they knew. Pretty much a common shonen plot. Not something that will attract you. It may also throw you away once you see the “demon living inside mc” trope. Trust me when I say this- you won’t regret watching it. The story is intriguing and (in season 2, when it releases) completely unexpected. The setting of the plot may seem common to you, but it’s unique and a well used setting. I’ve completed the manga so I won’t spoil the story but it gets super good and is PEAK SHONEN. I do seem to have a problem with it when it comes to the characters trying to explain their abilities since many of them are extremely complex, but that’s really the one flaw I could point out. So it’s a highly recommended anime from me. 8.9/10
Overall, an outstanding anime capable of entering the new Big Three of Shonen. I rate it a whopping 9.2/10. Super good.