Neil Asher is completely awesome! I had been looking for Science Fiction of this magnitude since I was just an early teen, a long time ago, with emphasis on the science and logic of what the fiction could tell. All his books are pioneering works. Many tremendous authors have whetted my appetite and I thank them for drawing me into the pleasures of reading during my times of leisure, but it has been Neil Asher who slapped me across my grey fatty brain tissues to awaken and then scare the unknown potential of existence into this bored entity of a man. He brings the realization that maybe anything is possible with a mixture of physics, existentialism and time. The Soldier is all of that, completely emptying and then refilling your sense of what reality could be to a frightening limit while revealing some aspect of what true alien existence might be like. Fresh and never before reading rewards await anyone who picks up this book. I'm salivating for the next two in this series.