Enjoy program for most part but take exception to th ok boomer segment it was demeaning and insulting. I find most of the people following the baby boomers have gone the same way as us. Reference the football game. Most and probably all had high end phones produced with high carbon footprint production can't function if it's not on the internet and can't geographically place themselves in the world. Caused delay in something having minimum impact and won't admit there are other points of view and older boomers just as concerned with problems in OUR world. I don't see any of them doing without items to improve the world. Your commenter included with her artificial fabric, makeup and accessories. Before you comment on who caused what and when stop perpetuating the problem. Your turn is coming in this world and I don't see much in the way of constructive action going on and what I do see has been instituted by boomers with a sprinkling of younger faces.