I, myself have been a writer for many years and ive came to find out the more you screw with a Horror Series...the less fans like it! The Story would of been a little better if perhaps the audience would of seen a return of characters from the past! ....and the last 2 Halloween movies had Josh Hartnet portraying the son of Laurie Strode....but in this one Laurie has a daughter? As if the audience werent confused enough...parts 4 thru 6 have Jamie Lloyd as her daughter...H20 and Ressurection...a son John Tate...now a whole new daughter? .... And whatever happened to Kara Tommy Danny and Jamie's son Steven? There were so many different ways the writer could of taken this! Honestly i feel like once again the series got raped! I was totally disturbed with the Zombie versions...and ive always never included them or watched them much...would of loved for this to of been better! Disappointment of the year!