Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey is the heartwarming tale about beloved childhood friends that overcome the odds in a world that has passed them by.
The breathtaking Swiss Alps serves as the backdrop of the 100 Acre Woods, where once Christopher Robin played with Pooh, Piglet, Rabbit, and Owl. Now, years after Christopher Robin abandoned his dear friends for dead, he comes back to rub salt in the wounds of his cherished friends, that is, if any have survived his betrayal, by proclaiming he has forsaken them for his fiance.
Armed with only chains, sledgehammers, machetes, and friendship, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet hack their way back into the heart and mind of Christopher Robin. When a group of girls bent on deforesting the forest come to finalize their plans, it's up to the silly ol bear and piglet to save the forest they so love!
Amazing scenery, in-depth character arcs, superb acting, and nostalgia make this a must see cinematic masterpiece for all ages! If you are looking for an excellent film for family movie night, look no further than Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey.