Ever since i 1st watched this show when i was 8 years old, It was so funny and hilarious. And i continue to watch this show for hours straight. Then i took a break watching this show. I researched this when teen titans go was not funny. So I decided to do a 2nd try. When the new episodes came out, If got worse and worse until it is gross. The teen titans go voice actors are the worst. Teen Titans Go deserves to be banned. Like if you agree. Teen Titans Go is for 13+ only not 7+. Here is why Teen Titans Go deserves to be banned.
1. The voices are cool, but some of the quotes are very trash.
2. It is much worse than Regular Show and i almost died due to the episodes.
3. SpongeBob SquarePants is much better than Teen Titans Go because the episodes are hilarious.