Why is it that no one is addressing the fact that 45 won by the Electoral vote which has only happened 3 times and 2 of them were in the 1800's. 1 in 2000 and now him. Our vote does not count but were suppose to come out and waste our time. This is our country and we should have the right to vote and for our vote to count. The popular vote should always win because it is our vote. Not some appointed people and then they make the decision....that means our votes don't count. This is exactly why some people don't trust the Gov. and now that 45 is in there 80% of us don't trust him or the Gov. 45's people are always talking about what the people want. The truth is the people want 45 and all his puppets to step down.
These people have turned into nothing but liars and power hungry fools. They have no MORAL's it's all about Power and Money not our Country. The Republicans don't care about this Country they care about power and they are lying and cheating to stay in power.
A Country without MORALS is a Country without DIGNITY!!!
God Bless Us when the Martial Law starts.