BIG fan of the original trilogy. Sadly However, I found this movie rather pretentious, which is saying a lot given the context. Kind of like a big meta-joke but only if you've seen the other movies and only if you like the movies for the memes and fanfics that came out after their original release. The whole of the movie seemed to JUST be a reason to see Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss reprise their roles in a somewhat cohesive story, which somehow lost all of the chemisty the prior films had built. Almost like watching two people who used to date, grow apart over the years and then bump into each other to try and force it to work again. A weak story, predictable action and next to no chemistry between any of the characters. I was expecting a shot to rebuild and expand the already established world but instead found an old man still living in the past. I really wanted to write up something nice but I genuinely found i simple cannot.