This is a great game. I've waited a long time for it's release.
It's here. The soundtrack is amazing as always. It pulls you into the game. You laugh, cry, freak out and have a great time with it.
I'm not influenced by the overly negative reviews that I see on here. If you don't like this game, you've never played the first game. That's ok. You don't get the back story to this and how the first game made you feel like you're going thru the battle with Joel and Ellie.
For those of us that have played the first and remained loyal this is a God-send for us. We've missed this game. A LOT.
It pulls you in like i said. There are stress levels that no other game can pull out of you like this one does.
The composer is brilliant with the sound track. If he didn't come back to this one, I'd likely not play it.
I love this franchise.