The Maze of Deceit, a white-collar crime fiction novel, communicates the story of a set of manipulators who seize power and riches through the force of corruption and deceit, and who also happen to be, in consequence, mass-makers of victims. However, there is more to this book than the much-told tales of showdown between good and evil! A significant part of the story has been devoted to the characterization of the individuals, through non-linear narrative, to develop a strong past that contributes to the personality traits and convictions of the major characters. Through these characters, it seems the author has a broader objective of conveying the pernicious impact of corruption within the bureaucracy, and how such a force is likely to produce a majority, even within the executive, to a scale that generates a culture of acceptability amongst the rank-and-file of such powerful institutions. This maiden work of the author scores high on both readability and content; to the uninitiated-there is enough wisdom and knowledge on the modalities of white collar crimes especially within the domains of healthcare and real-estate, and to the lover of language -the book offers lucid reading and one can pick up apt words and the occasional passage that offers a revelation encapsulated within the beauty of language. Overall, the book will not disappoint, and the conclusion is likely to inspire curiosity and impatience for the next instalment from the author …