Lourd Timmothee Deckster is obviusly a riter we shud all wurrship. frum big naymes such as Maikel Bae, shaikspeer, and Karl Marks. Lourd Timmothee Deckster's riting stile can bee only diskribed as youneek and special. Sertanly in de modurn dae, gramur and de koheerensee of a riting diturminz de aklaim frum reeders but, Lourd Timmothee Deckestor's stile kan bee eezily distengwished frum most riting peeces. Cimply, gramur rools don't applai too Lourd Timmothee Deckster. Lourd Timmothee Deckster iz an innovatour, not a folowur.