Dark Dungeons is based on comic strips by a man named Jack Chick. The original comics were extremely bigoted and downright nonsense.
This movie is an adaptation but it's also mocking the original source material. They never outright say it's a parody but it's pretty obvious that it is.
The 'DnD bad, right wing christian fundamentalism good' message that was originally part of the source material is NOT what this movie is trying to promote. It is MOCKING it.
The reason it satirizes the original comics so well is because it shows it all in its absurd glory. It is entirely consistent with Jack Chick's bigoted world view and if Jack himself had made the movie, it wouldn't have been much different.
Except of course, in that scenario we would be laughing AT the movie, rather than laughing WITH it.
So TL;DR the movie is mocking its source material. it does not actually endorse any of its themes.
10/10 perfect satire.