Well far as I can tell Disney gave the world a "reimagined" version of a classic villain in a more acceptable fashion (if you pardon the pun lol). Like Maleficent before her, Cruella has been given a sympathetic origin story to go with her wicked persona. And much like Maleficent I do feel for her, in this age of personified evil and excuses for everything that made them that way, I do honestly feel for her. Not to say any of her horrendous acts of crime and revenge are okay, but it was justified by her childhood trauma. Disney, like everything in the world changes, adapts, and builds upon old ideas, Cruella is no different unfortunately. Cleverly disguised with 70's punk vibes and a Dev IL in Prada, this unnecessary origin story should make more than Emma Stone or Angelina Jolie reconsider out favorite childhood villainess. 4/5