I'll be honest, I'm using a beat xbox one s, but I have a few things to address that are issues with the game.
I love this game, a lot. It is the perfect tactical shooter, if you play it that way. In other words, if you are looking to use full auto on any gun with a 2x scope, you aren't going to hit anything. It, for the most part, has realistic gunplay and amazing sound design.
It is, however, borderline unplayable on current gen consoles and, at times, unplayable on next gen. I am lucky to get through one multiplayer match without a crash, forfeiting my rewards from said match.
Customization is phenomenal for both loadouts and players. I just wish I could unlock the cosmetics, but as I have previously stated, I cannot complete matches to gain the ingame currency. This currency is not exchangeable for real life currency, making it hard to customize my character.
There is no pay to win structure in this game. Just a major pro here, nothing else needs to be said.
There is a wide selection of maps to be played on, all including a day and night variant. The only thing lacking here is the gamemode selection being 4 game modes including hardcore variants.
If these issues get fixed, my rating will increase from the three stars.