Post patch, this is worse than fifa 20. Gameplay is inconsistent, fouls do not exist, servers are as terrible as ever. Even after EA acknowledged these issues in a public statement last year, the problems still persists with no communication from EA..
They still exploit the younger players by forcing them to buy into their loot boxing, which guarantees a “>1%” chance of acquiring a player competing, and if they try to trade the rubbish that they are given, EA implements a ban. Yet their is no ban on the amount of times they are willing to charge your debit card.. Essentially this is outright exploitation and predatory.
Which is why their practices are banned in several other countries.
All they do is take from players without even considering improving the gamers experience..
Before you buy anything for anyone or yourself from Electronic Arts, please read into them. They aggressively focus on the players behavior to tailor a gameplay which will them trapped in a unrewarding game, just to extract as much money as possible, and when you don’t give them money, you get left behind.
Deplorable people at EA