I watch this show practically every day of the wk. You have Juan Williams who is a co host. Its bad enough that he is a democrat, but he is a disrespectful, nasty, arrogant, immature LOOSER. Today 10/23/20, as he was debating about President Trump, he was getting seriously angry and loosing the debate against the others. So he lost his patience, raised his voice and literally seriously told Jesse Waters to "Stick It"!!!!!!! I never heard someone on your channel debate and have a conversation, realize he was not correct then turn around & SERIOUSLY get mad and tell another co host on "The Five" to "Stick It"... It was to much, to far, to nasty and uncalled for. Its not the first time he gets out of control. All you have to do is look under Jesse Waters facebook posts. Everyone that praises Jesse and "The Five" always makes a unfavorable comment & complaint about Juan Williams! Its time for him to go before you loose more viewers like you are already loosing now.