ok ok, so it was never going to be 'supernatural' BUT! put aside all the feminist/girl power/politics reviews people are saying ( i do believe this is due to the world of pink fluffy pansies we have created that get offended by the most minute thing these days!...there goes freedom of speech and having an honest opinion in case it offends some pink and fluffy!) i found the show 'overall' to be very enjoyable! i would look forward to getting my hour of peace and quiet to just enjoy a program i enjoy. yes it is not as 'catching' as some shows, as stated before supernatural-nothing in my eyes can ever come close to Dean! the mans a sex god! and even stranger things, they got some great acting in that and some fantastic story lines! and eleven! bloody loved her. as for this i think my most likeable character was aunt hilda. i loved her warmth. aunt zelda was a more cold character but with a pure heart and i am expecting so much more from her in future episodes. ambrose i do really like as he is a tortured soul. and i am expecting the story lines to develop faster now that the first series has found its feet, yes it took its time but i found this way you could get a bit more understanding of each character and now i am hoping things move fast and hard! i would in a sense compare sabrina ( hate the name reminds me of sabrina the teenage witch and i feel this show is trying to take on a more serious approach than that tacky program) to kristen stewert in her acting skills that is she is very bland and cold and there really is not too much there! ( same with her boyfriend harvey to be fair) but hey i loved kristen in twilight but i feel that suited her coldness where this i feel is just not this girls groove (excuse the pun lol) but even with the negatives, i enjoy the show and i look forward to the next episodes as soon as they come out!