this game is absolutely horrible. i rented this game to test it so i didnt waste my money on it and man was that the right good call. I havent got to play the story mode but i hear its good, the zombies i thought would suck after hearing about it, but so far it seems fun anyway. now....the multiplayer...oh where to start.
The weapons, perks and equipment selection is small. 2 launchers and 2 LMGs. 15 perks.
The guns are freaken lasers! 0 recoil what-so-ever.
I was happy to see that Mortar and dogs would return to the game since i loved those 2 perks from cod 5, but oh lookie, dogs were removed. ehh oh well. still got mortar. Problems....the stupid scorestreak system. I was just in a match of Combined arms, and tried to help my team by taking out some of the more deadly kill streaks and UAVs, except THEY NEVER ENDED!! it was literally non-stop UAVs, chopper gunners, attack choppers, mortars, napalm strikes and Vtol escorts. no joke EVERY time i spawned i only got time to get off a few rockets to just die from the kill streaks with my team at spawn anyway, and unlike other cods, u can have up to three UAV's up at a time.
Speaking of UAVs, Field Mic is ALSO an annoying problem coupled with the horrific spawns. One match i got for team death match my team didnt stand a chance. the enemy had constant UAV's and camped using Field mic. if u got close they popped out of no where instantly shot u up with out a chance to react and hid back in their hiding spot again. Or when we spawned would get killed instantly at spawn before we could even get to the building in the middle of the map. #hackersimulator it seriously felt like we were facing wall hackers and aim botters despite no cross play. for those wondering, in this game there is only up to 2 spawn locations. if its objective based u have 1 single spot to spawn, or if like team death match 2. meaning all the enemy has to do is keep placing kill streaks at ur spawn and u can never move out of it no matter how hard u try. EDIT: to go with this forward Intel shows time and direction of enemy spawning, so can spawn kill them
Map design and number of maps. 8 maps is freaken TINY for a call of duty game.not to mention a number of them are just plain BAD. they look fun and nice, until u play them. Armada is probably one of the worst. one of the fastest ways to get from one side to the other is by one of the few ziplines, which people camp hard at times and u cant even see them when they do many times. Crossroads i thought would be fun, until my friend and i were constantly being randomly sniped from who knows where all the freaken time! and the laser like weapons dont help it. and Garrison can easily be spawn camped ussing the UAV/ Field Mic method i mentioned before since the enemy has a clear sight from far inside the building to the spawn with little obstructions.
Fireteam Dirty bomb feels like a cheaply made warzone knockoff. except it marks each of your teammates a different color instead of 1 color to show friendly, and one was a color that looked like enemy so i always thought it was an enemy. the enemy however has no marking at all. No red nameplate, no icons, nothing. so it makes them very hard to see and if you new to the mode like i was makes u think twice before shooting, in which case u die before u realize it. the connection issues oh my gosh. i will say about 70% of all my deaths, in the kill cam it showed the enemy missing every shot on my yet getting hit markers. In case u think its my internet this doesnt happen in other modes.