It's a school life gundam series, straight up boring.
I had high hopes for this series when the trailers were dropped, but it gets so boring so fast just 1 episode in.
The fights are silly, story is boring, the characters are just exhausting to look at.
As a long time fan, it really makes me miss those older ones where it had actual dramas and cool actions.
This one is like "oh no, she is bullying me, me no likey".
Visually as well, the 3D and 2D blends are so bad that it hurts my eyes.
The story is so pretty boring as well, a whole season of nothing then a bit of plot at the end of the season. Most Gundam animes have already progressed a lot by episode 10~12.
Last episode of season 1 is actually pretty decent and actually felt like gundam series, outside of that it's pretty much a Ichaicha paradise between 2 girls.
I really disliked the gundam fighters series but this is a new low.