I enjoyed this game, it was awesome, and ahead of its time in my opinion, You had free range, from Fighter pilot Coloniel or Cylon, Charater choice were pretty good, Cylon old version or new version, If you were in to mining materials for credits or destroying enemy ships and collecting valuable parts from the wreckage of your enemy. Some players went big with leveling up to larger starships and inviting anyone in game play to join thier mission, you could get more credits when you joined in, or just randomly travel anywhere in the system. its been a few years, i just went on today 19Nov2021 to see if i could jump back in.... sadly seeing that its no longer available but happy to see many others comments about thier experiance. Oh, yes, the docking on random ships and making your way to the officers lounge to play a card game with Starbuck to earn credits, interacting was very cool.