The book was good. The story was very good. The best part was the ethical dilemma wherein the reader was supposed to understand the implications of a person wielding telepathic abilities.
There is an instance in which a person has immense power but that does not necessarily imply that that person would grow up to become cruel and authoritarian. So, we cannot just pull the trigger. Moreover, neither can we isolate a child from their parents.
The best part I think lies in the upbringing and rearing of the child. Here, if Carrie hadn't been subjected to the misfits at the hands of her own classmates, she might have been better able to control her powers. The fact that she turned haywire can be attributed to the unfortunate incident at the girls' shower-room. The book was good, but it was too long. There was absolutely no need to describe a sub-instance of a plot. This way, the reader zones out through the plot and feels uninterested in the rest of the story.