This game is the last title I will buy from UBISOFT period. I have played probably over 20 titles from them and have been a huge fan of all the Tom Clancy games, as well as assassins creed, watch dogs, farcry etc. For the first time I splurged on the gold edition of a game, Ghost Recon breakpoint, because I was so excited to play the game three days early. Well that was a massive mistake as there was a network error and getting through to their help desk was a nightmare which resulted in me spending $150 to get the game one day early. now lets talk about the steaming pile that is Ghost Recon. We are now 8 months since release and multiple patches have been released and I still, although I am about 75% complete, find the game UN-playable. Between textures not loading or getting stuck in rocks or areas with my character falling through the map. the game totally lacks depth, you literally just do the same things over and over again. It's pathetic that a developer would release such garbage. I am playing on a PS4 Pro with a 4K TV and this game feels like a PS3 game. Never before have I been so let down. And this was hands down my favorite video game franchise. Good bye UBI SOFT it was fun while it lasted!