I've seen the whole show and I wish I didn't. I caught myself needing to pause just to process my feelings. Max and her parents were the only characters I found to be genuine. Out of my many reasons I detest this show, my top reason is that Ginny (16) acts wayyy out of line and constantly asks for her mother's respect. Ginny wants to dig into her mother's past, going as far as going in her closet to dig in her personal items like she can't be her own person too. She is so obsessed with Georgia's past that she can't seem to enjoy her own life. She even runs away from home wearing her mom's leather motorcycle jacket not knowing what gang it was associated with or how dangerous they are. Without consideration for her mother or communication, Ginny sent her little brother's letters to Gil (who is in jail) with their return address. Ginny messed up everything all by herself but blames her mom. Another stupid angry black girl stereotype that no one needs to see. The main characters are so unlikeable that I'm rooting for the antagonists.