-The game is enjoyable, with so many revives and second lives the amount of engagements you get involved in will be larger then most other BRs and will lead to a newer player getting more action and kills comparable to PUBG and apex legends.
-The gulag system of getting a second life after winning a dual with another person who has died, is an interesting way to avoid one death being the end to a quad or trio's chance to victory.
-Gun play is very slick and easy to use.
-Very poor climbing mechanics and a slow tick rate on servers will lead to a lot games ending in an unsatisfactory way. For example one game of trios I was in, we were down to the final 2 teams but because of a ridge that seems climbable in most games and climbable in other areas of the map, we were forced into the zone leading to our deaths.
-The anti-cheat system is clearly flawed, at the current time, as I have personally seen many very clear cheaters using aimbot and seemly getting away with it.
-Although the gulag is enjoyable, the addition of stun grenade seems very cheap and makes a lot of 1v1 wins seem undeserved.
-Hit boxes seem a little excessive and too easy to hit, excluding the hit boxes of people in vehicles which don't seem to correctly convey the location of the person.
Overall for a free game its definitely worth playing, however with the increasing hacker base, low server tick rate and terrible hit boxes the game may not seem worth the stress and unfairness you may experience.