It was calm and should have been a Broadway Show only.
I can appreciate the introspection of the stigma around mental health is not something people see or understand and can easily judge ones capabilities to be in society.
I like how they portrayed love that can be as crazy as any fantasy all in our heads making us feel untouchable.
Here's my notes during the movie that I would like my time back from more than the $20 it cost me.
Opening with a cartoon portraying the battles of mental health and how it can lead to misunderstanding and Police brutality.(How he ended up in prison)
Cuts to incarceration life and grim colors. Quite beautiful.
Where did they use colorful umbrellas but then they weren't as the guards walked him across the yard?
There's a lot of duality (Gaga shows her self blowing her head out with her fingers with a split moment with The Joker)
This is very human very natural and slow progressions. I think most people these days want action action action and intensity with quick dramatic progression to stories.
DOC versus proper mental healthcare. Fragmentation into two people to cope with pain from the past in his childhood. Hearing his mom's voice in his head and acts it out with her voice
Interesting changes from: Cartoon, 4k, to 1980s film quality. The footage is raw little makeup or effects with it refreshing for a film these days
Alcatraz island
Sing to heal and fill the fractures inside us
The singing is very naturally woven into the scenes. They are sung beautifully.
Love is to be happy and sad at the same time (that is his love with Harley Quinn)
She starts a fire to get his attention. Kisses him and they escape together as it was her idea since he was sentenced to death.
They're literally waltzing out of the prison to the gates and as they are caught it was essentially a great first date.
Harvey Dent doesn't look like Harvey. He's too young looking but he has the stance and right words.
I'm a big fan of Gaga and the joker and film and dance and art and singing and creative expression and how love can conquer everything and through mental health struggles there's a lot of pain people don't see and not everyone will get those masterpieces all the time.
It's the best linear movie.
When you fall in love you don't need as much sleep and you're so happy with a purpose that's all in your head. If you keep believing nothing can stop you.
Intimacy through her doing his makeup make-up. Influencing each other to be themselves openly.
Stereotypical thing to say on the radio: enough is enough
Everything that happens in life can happen in a show. Anything anything can go. Gaga
It kind of has Sweeny Todd love story vibes.
The stigma about mental health issues that most people don't understand is that it's unseen and some people think they are acting for attention or faking it or totally normal and functional.
You can't know someone just through some notes and a short time with someone to understand the mind they live in. Retreat into fantasy to create another reality to escape from the pain and trauma.
Even the violence that happens isn't too gory. It's realistic.
Tap dancing and full bands.
It's mostly sweet and calm and like real life.
Even when his fan boys blow up the court house and rescue him everything is realistic like little blood