To those of you who say this movie is “bad” because you don’t get it:
Let me explain.
This movie is truly a work of art, something original- especially daring to make a movie highlighting the dangers of online pornography- but showing a possibility that is not far fetched. “Lola” has been recloned at some sort of bot, which has been collected and created using old videos, voice recordings, chats, all to make her personality “almost similar.” Why is this scary and utterly disturbing? Because with our technology, this could be a possibility in the next few years or so.
As for the “camgirl” aspect, this was Alice’s entire life, as she would do ANYTHING to make top 50. Honestly, it was very interesting to see a new idea of the porn industry, seeing her come up with the elaborate scripts and performances. The ending, while not what I was expecting, was meaningful. After everything Alice went through, she still returned to be a cam girl under a different identity, playing into the ideas and fears that come along with social media.
Now, what makes this all so terrifying? You must look at the fears of the underlying idea of social media. Social media now can really gain access to almost any information about us. Think about it- there are videos of us, pictures, chats, test results, friends, likes, interests, locations, ALL WHICH ARE SAVED AS DATA. The idea of a “clone” is not that far fetched (and that they liked the clone even better that the real “Lola”).
Overall, the movie was truly amazing, as I was constantly reminded of the show “Black Mirror” which is scary, based on the idea of an alternate, not so far off, more technologically advanced reality. This is a must watch.