This review is from the playing online in "The Rec" perspective. If you like the real simulation style basketball this game is not for you. It may be tolerable at best. Two key factors make it a very fictitious basketball game.. Its basically all about shooting 3's and getting steals. Over and over again 3 after 3, steal after steal and 2k rewards this by letting it all happen as long as you pay enough vc..😆 Its so blatantly obvious that it's pay to win. You could have a tall thick center box out perfectly and go up for a rebound and because you didn't pay enough vc for rebounding some puny guard will magically get the board while he is behind your box out..🙄 Its atrocious really. Its funny that guys online think they're nice and argue with their teammates about how better they are at the game when really all they did was pay a nice load in vc to get said skills. Then they proceed to shoot their 15th 3 pointer of the game..🤦 The steals are just as ridiculous. How many times in a real game do you see a defender steal a ball from behind a player and turn a round and jack up a successful 3? If you said over 10 times a game then 2k 22 is for you..😆 My favorite 2k's were 2k16 and 2k11. Those were more realistic. Anyways, I'll probably still play this turd of a game since its the only online basketball game available and no I did not and adamantly refuse to buy vc!!