I had the misfortune of watching this movie - first day, first show. I am not an Avengers fan and don't watch such movies, except the Tobey Maguire movies we've seen growing up. My brother had no company so I went thinking, how bad could it be?
Well I didn't need to wait long to find out. The movie starts and within the first 10 mins I'm bored out of my mind. Deadpool is the most insufferable character I've ever seen and I was rooting for him to die, when my brother says, "he's invincible". Oh boy. The movie humour seemed written by a 16 year old dank memer redditor and as predicted, this movie only had masturbation and s*x related gutter humour that 14 year old boys think is kewl.
The meta references literally every 5 mins were over top the second time onwards. We get it, you think you're very cool in the audience of teenagers getting fake IDs watching this disgusting movie wasting their parents hard earned money. Of course I'm assuming the director was atleast physically an adult. It was such a mindless snoozefest I lost track of the plot.
This is by far the most horrible movie I've ever watched in the theatres. My respect for Bollywood has increased after watching this mistake. If I could sue the moviemakers for refund on account of mental harassment I would. I don't want to see Ryan Reynolds for the next 10 years in anything and next time I'll watch DC movies. Atleast they have a semblance of maturity.