I think that it is a great informative show.
Here is an idea Alan ....
We all know that the big 4 Banks are a public relations nightmare. Even more so after the Royal Commission into the Financial sector handed down it's report.
The 4 are lower than a snakes belly in the general public's eyes so they have a chance to regain some general support if they were to combine collectively & donate $12 million to the Queensland Flood appeal that is raising funds to support the people of Townsville & surrounding areas including Western Queensland.
Can you imagine the effect that would have on the victims, it would be smiles all round. the banks would finally get some good public relations, lots of victims would be helped & the media would get a feel good story out of it as well.
In the total scheme of things the banks would not miss the $12 million & I should imagine that there would be some kind of tax advantage as well.
Is it not worth a go ?????