The movie "Blue Miracle" follows the incredible true story of Casa Hogar, the Mexican boys home that entered the world’s biggest fishing tournament with a washed-up boat captain to save their cash-strapped orphanage.
The film shows that if you have faith, believe in god, never give up, always do the right thing without cheating, you would succeed of the things you do and that a father should always stick with their children like an anchor.
The moments where team Casa try to hook a Blue Marlin were so thrilling and made me eat the popcorn constantly. The Blue Miracle version of the inspiring song "Fight For Me” is so good too.
I found the movie rich on cinematography because of the impressive views of the sea. The inspirational music played during those views shows the greatness of the music.
Lightning, sets, directing, cinematography, music, editing, acting were all magnificent. The orphanage boys played by Miguel Angel Garcia, Anthony Gonzalez, Nathan Arenas, Isaac Arellanes, Steve Gutierrez have done a great job too.
Blue Miracle is one of the most beautiful, inspiring, heart-warming movies I've ever seen.