If you know NOTHING of the wheel of time, you MIGHT be able to overlook its flaws and horrible cgi. If you know ANYTHING about the wheel of time books, run. It’s awful what they did to this show. They basically rewrote all the characters for no reason and made them all worse versions because, I suspect, the writers thought they were more talented than Robert Jordan. They aren’t. They also wrote all kinds of stuff that never happened because…reasons? No idea why they messed with a classic. Also, they wrote in events that make zero sense and included new things that actively undermines the narrative being told. Either they are purposefully trying to destroy the story or they are so incompetent they are destroying it on accident. I forced myself to watch the first 4 episode before I gave up. I tried to like it, but it’s just such a middle finger to Robert Jordan. It’s so sad. This could have been great.