Neil Druckmann should resign and never direct a AAA video game ever again!! What a pathetic excuse for a story... killing the main character that we all loved from the first game in less than 2 hours in the most ridiculous and morbid way, just to force an agenda down our throats! Who in their right mind does that? What's the point of painstakingly building up a character in the previous game that generated so much love and acclaim across gamers only to write him so badly out of character to the point that he's totally unrecognisable; then introduce a character that we're meant to care about after he/she brutally kills the former loved and understood character, despite the fact that he literally had just saved his/her life?! As if that isn't enough, we're now forced to play as this terrible character for what seems like half of the game. Total bullocks! This is the worst story telling and characterisation I've experienced in any video game... an utter disgrace of a release; especially in view of most of the shamelessly hyped up and obviously paid (with money, favours...) critic reviews. Why on earth does an apocalypse game about infected zombies prefer to lay more emphasis on lgbtq relationships and sex? Even if it was straight sex that should not be the focus of such a game, especially being a sequel to such an awesome first game that also had lgbt characters - albeit it wasn't the focus of the story and characters. Even the fan favourite Uncharted series with only straight characters does not have that forced narrative on the players either, it's solely about the story, characters and gameplay - not forcing us to be the disgusting villain and perpetuate all her/his unwarranted evil acts with absolutely no pay off!I've been a huge fan of Sony and playstation for almost 2 decades and this shambolic failure is almost unforgivable. #NoBotsHere