Please read this online review, this whole online review.
Originally, I would have rated the romantic drama-genre film Splendor in the Grass (the year 1961 AD) 7/10 but, now, I would rate this film 6/10.
Parentheses mean whispering.
S' means plural possessive or is possessive that is done when a word ends, already ends, by the letter, S.
Quotations' marks mean quoting.
The phrases, "I thought" and "I knew", mean different things.
By the phrase, "I thought", I will mean, "Personally, I thought".
Originally, I thought Splendor in the Grass (1961 AD) would have been a nice light-hearted old-fashioned romantic film though, now, I think, Splendor in the Grass ('61 AD) is a typical decade 1960s AD's teenage romantic drama film with a bit, just bit, much, too much, darkness.
The phrases, "I think" and "I know", mean different things.
The phrase, "I think", I mean, "Personally, I think".
I think Splendor in the Grass is similar to the romantic drama-genre film West Side Story.
I am sorry.