Best worst film ever.
I hear that Jessica fletcher has sent them a congratulatory letter for the soundtrack and warberling narrative .
I think Gomez( the producer) may have needed to hide his spend on cocain and just let his youngest boy write the script for this.
It was epic , I played a drinking game where I drank water everytime I cringed and my liver is now diseased.
The plot started slow like a sunday film and befor I new it I was slapped in the face with a president , child abuser , 2 parents on the verge of death and some light propergander. Did I mention Jessica fletcher is pissed ?
Honestly this is a classic . If you have a single mum neighbour you want to get in this film will keep her 5 year old fixed on the spot.
So you can both do as much molly as the writer and editor.
Enjoy .