Please, if you're ever looking for a cartoon-- or in general, something to watch, give Steven Universe a chance. While Season 1 may not be all too appealing, this show is honestly so progressive and gets S O much better over time. Unfortunately, I only finally decided to give this wonderful show a chance when the movie came out, as I had previously doubted the good things people said about it. For dumb reasons, too. I'm sure there are many people like me out there, so please, throw away that doubt and just go for it! While Steven Universe obviously isn't for anyone,-- as nothing is, I can still safely say that there are a lot of people who would enjoy this show that just haven't given it a chance yet. Not every single episode is plot-based, but that's part of the experience if you ask me. Some of these episodes have a clear focus on fun, with at least a little bit of character development thrown in. It's really a nice thing to see these characters grow and develop into who they end up becoming at the end of the series, and trust me when I say it's pretty darn well-written. Rebecca Sugar really did not create a miss with SU. The funky, fitting instrumental soundtrack, along with the beautiful songs that I will never be able to forget the lyrics of, are all apart of what makes this show so memorable to me. It made me laugh, it made me smile (a whole lot), and it made me absolutely bawl my eyes out. I'm not exaggerating, I promise. There is also some well-deserved LGBTQIA+ representation in SU, which is really, REALLY cool when you consider the fact that children who grow up watching this show might have less of a hard time understanding their sexuality and gender as they grow up. Of course, you're going to be able to soak in everything that's happening more if you're watching this show alone, but it's also a great experience if you watch with friends and/or family. I've made so many friendships over this show, and it's helped me grow tons. I think I've praised SU enough for one day with just this one review, so I'll take my leave now, haha! Ah, wait- one last thing.. WATCH STEVEN UNIVERSE!! 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖