I take offence to the show yesterday about hockey moms and their children. My boys were not and have never been egotistical and rude and downright mean as she has stated...a hockey legend gets fired and you let this rude arrogant self centred egotistical woman say those things and applaud her...I may not be a foreigner and that probably is why you won’t do anything however I am a working mother who has raised my boys in a hockey world...they have made great friends, had wonderful times and never once bullied anyone. This is judgmental, harassment and bullying all rolled into one, thank you social you have completely alienated my friends, family and my close co workers...keep up the great work and remember I’m only a Canadian from the older generation and my feelings and beliefs don’t matter....you should be ashamed and this person who claims to be an educated woman should be fired!!!! If you are so about people as the firing of don cherry you need to fire this person I quote “white boys who are not very nice and worshipped hockey”” I ask you what are you going to do about these racist remarks!????! NOTHING!!!!!! She said our children are bullies we spend 5,000 a year in hockey explains what I can do with 5,000....sick just sick...I will be waiting to see how my families abuse is addressed and I assure you my voice will be heard everywhere with the social interview of the year!!!! Including her racist, ignorant opinions of how my husband and my family choose to raise my law abiding intelligent university educated family!!!! I look forward to an immediate response to my rights and again I assure you I work for a large company talk to many people in all walks of life and my voice will be heard!!!!😡😡😡