This is an incredible rip-off of a book. It's a blatant "cut and paste" job from either far better written (and a lot more informative) books on each mafia subject or a slightly more tarted up 'Google Name Search' of same!! At just 73 wafer thin - well spaced - A5 pages it is most definitely NOT WORTH £11.74!! Frankly, it's nothing more than a badly produced summarised brochure purporting to be a book. It is NOT a book!! It will take the unfortunate reader approximately five minutes to read from cover to cover. Part of the problem here, is that "books" like this are appearing all the time on Amazon and nowhere in the sales pitch does it say THIS BOOK IS SELF-PUBLISHED and PRINTED BY AMAZON. It should. It really should. For far better in-depth biographies on either Thomas Pitera or Richard Kuklinski I would recommend reading either of Phillip Carlo's excellent biographies on these respective Hit Men. I have no reason to big Carlo up. He's dead. Sammy "The Bull" Graveno's ghost-written autobiography by Peter Maas is also very good. Much better than this rubbish. Can I have my money back Daniel?