Behold. the Mystery: For they with eyes to see and ears to hear, If I gave you all the Stars in my Right hand there'd be not five, but Seven, yet i've seen not one episode...yet see the story. Truly I tell you no one shall know the "day or time" of his Return, only the "season". But one knoweth, He that sent me, and He is greater than I. Children listen closely, now The 7th month, on the 10th day of the month would be just in time to celebrate "my coming" into this flesh, and deliver me of 38 years of my infirmity, as well as celebrate "his coming" and forshadow who he truly is, who was and is, and is to come again, the "Infinite One". But truly i tell you on that day, they might not even release the date for the Revelation of who He is for it would be too great, unless the people are that blind. BEHOLD, the people are blind and see not, look and see; The Revelation is in 22 days, if they reveal you him or not, there shall not be "16 Candles", but the Revelation of the Bright and Morning Star. For those with eyes to see, count the numbers. Watch. He comes quickly.