1st things first. I read the reviews and almost didn't buy the game.
8.5 out of 10.
Ive read the comparisons to other games and this is no Last of us, which is one of my favorite games of all time. This game is more like the farcry series, with some audio like Dying Light, and some brutal mele kills similar to LOU but different. Definitely not as scary as the two previously mentioned games but it has its moments and I do enjoy the main character and his personality and voice acting.
The mechanics of the gun are a little strange but not as bad as people are saying. You have to upgrade and once you do it starts getting better but is a lot of fun. Remember, you are in a post apocalyptic world and just some biker in the wilderness. Do you expect to have modern warfare futuristic guns? Come on.
I have seen minimal glitches so the patches installed must be working because the previous reviews said it was horrible and I haven't seen that. I did get stuck once on a ladder and had to restart. But come on, one glitch and the game is a flop. Really? It has never crashed on me like others have pointed out though.
Riding the motorcycle is a lot of fun and hasn't gotten old yet and I'm about 25 hours in. Encountering the horde is pretty awesome as they always seem to be there at night near the mission you are on which adds an element that other games do not have. I have yet to destroy one yet but boy do I have fun trying.
I've also seen reviews that it's not the ground breaking game they expected and don't like the "errands" you have to do. What did you expect? This is the style of these open world games. Do this and you upgrade that. Do enough stuff and you unlock a new area. Do more stuff, get more stuff and repeat over and over.
Overall this game is great and worth the time. I start playing and 4 hours pass like a blink of the eye. Believe the reviews or don't. Like my opinion or don't but this game is just down right fun and I thoroughly enjoy every time I load it up and I can't wait to see how it ends. Solid 8.5 out of 10 and rarely do I rate games much higher than that. It's not a 10 like LOU. There have been so many bad games on the market as of late and they are starting to get to the point where they have all maxed out the potential of the ps4, just like what happened with the ps3, but this game will not dissapoint and looks great on my non 4k non ps4 pro set up.
Have fun all and hope this helped
Adding this 4 weeks later. Changing my score to 9 put of 10. Beat the game, story is awesome, guns get awesome. Played after the game and killed all the hordes and beat every thing you can. Now I'm replaying the game in survival mode which is the way the game should be played. I will continue to keep playing this epic game and continue to have a blast doing so. It is easy 40 hours of fun. Game never seemed to end and it kept getting bigger and better.